What is the API Sandbox?
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) API Sandbox is an environment that provides access to trial versions of MSD's APIs for partners to use for trials, proof of concepts, or testing purposes.
Our sandbox allows you to make API calls that are functionally the same as those found in our production environment. The sandbox returns mock data so that you can prototype your application as if it were the real thing.
How do I get started on the API Sandbox?
You will need to create an account in the API Sandbox environment - it only takes a few minutes. Once you have an account, you'll be able to manage all your sandbox applications and APIs from one place.
Next, you'll need to create an Application under Apps. Creating an App generates the client ID and client secret credentials that you will use to access sandbox APIs.
When you have registered your application, navigate to the sandbox API you want to use and submit an API subscription request.
Once we receive your subscription request, our team will review it. If your application seems like a good fit, we may contact you for further information, or we may simply approve the subscription.
Once your subscription is approved you will be able to make test calls from your application to the API and receive mock data responses.
I haven't received an activation link, or my activation link has expired or doesn't work. What do I do?
If your activation link doesn't work when you click on it, try to copy and paste the link into a browser instead.
If that still doesn't work, please contact us and we will work to resolve the problem for you.
How can I share visibility of my API subscriptions with others on my team?
When you create an account on the portal, you must then create a Developer Organisation, which you will use to create applications and subscribe to APIs.
When you create a Developer Organisation, you automatically become the 'Organisation Owner'. As Organisation Owner, you can invite other people to join your organisation.
To do this, navigate to the Organisation Details page from your account dropdown menu. From there, click on Add a user, enter the email address they used to create their portal account, select a role, and click invite new user.
The invited user will then be able to join your Developer Organisation and view any associated applications and API subscriptions.
NB: If you choose to delete a Developer Organisation, all applications and API subscriptions associated with that organisation will be deleted.
How can I get Production API access?
When you are ready to request access to a Production API, please contact us.